Friday, 26 November 2010

Shooting Diaries

10/01/11: In our first session of filming, we filmed in Seaford for two days to take shots of down the salts, which was filming Jess singing on the swings. We stayed round Jess's house to maximise the amount of filming we could do. We found it a challenge to set up the tripod, as some of the locations we filmed were uneven or on a slant. We found it easy to film the actual shots, as the we were lucky with the weather conditions. I was mainly incharge of being the director, Jess was mainly the actress apart from filming a few establishing shots, and Alex was mainly in charge of the filming.

17/01/11: For our next session I filming we went to Polegate and Eastbourne where we filmed the shots in the woods and on Eastbourne Pier. Again the filming took place over two days, we stayed at Alex's house to maximise the amount of footage we could gain, we ended up with more footage then we actually needed. We had to come with some choreography, as me and Alex had to do some dancing in pyjamas. we found this hysterical as we could not keep a straight face as it was slightly embarrassing. I took part in gaining some footage, also I directed less as I was a dancer in some shots. Alex filmed less, and took part in some of the shots, whereas Jess filmed more footage, as she had to film me and Alex in some shots.

After the two occasions that we filmed we went to lesson and captured the footage by using final cut pro and express, so we able to get an idea of the progress of the filming to see if the quality is any good. This became useful as we discovered a problem with the playground scenes, and decided we needed to reshoot some shots in Seaford.

02/02/11: We went to Lewes town to film shots, this only took an hour to film as we only had three or four shots to film. This was quick as the shots were quite simple so they only took two ot three takes each.

15/02/11: We shot scenes in Seaford again to reshoot some footage as we had problems with the previous footage, this took place over two days to make sure we got all the shots again, we also filmed shots situated in the graveyard.

14/03/11: For the final session of filming we had trouble finding a person that was willing to take part as each person filing the video had already taken part. So we went to Seaford to film the 'bedroom' scenes, as we needed shots of Jess and Jack acting. Jess was the central character, whereas Jack was the supporting actor, while Alex was filming the shots, and I was in charge of sorting out the music for Jess to mime to and directing.

The day after we filmed we went to lesson and successfully captured our footage and was able to edit the footage.

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