Ellie Goulding Powerpoint - https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B7qMb6ynzP5WNDlkZjA5YjctN2UzMS00OGYyLWFmNGItODM2MTk5ZjU4MmQ3&hl=en_GB
Script used when presenting the powerpoint to Polydor Records- https://docs.google.com/viewer?a=v&pid=explorer&chrome=true&srcid=0B7qMb6ynzP5WZWU0MDM3ZWEtNDQ2YS00Yzk1LWJhOTAtMzc3N2JhZDg0ODM2&hl=en_GB
I feel that the presentation that I gave about the idea for Ellie Goulding's music video, will increase her popularity, as in I think a different sector of her audience, new fans will start to arise. As in the music video a new element has been added, which is having a narrative. As in previous Ellie Goulding video's there have not been any real idea, of the plot of the video, it has been seen as slightly random and not ending up anywhere like in Guns and Horses.
Also here is the pitch of our presentation to Polydor Records-
There is some good work in this blog so far but there is scope for improvement. Act on the comments I have given your posts to improve your garde. You are currently working at approximately a C grade level.