Intital Ideas
Here is my initial ideas, in which I have drawn a mind map on Paint, to show some of the possible ideas I had for the music video. The different ideas are linked together by a branch, that expands to other ideas, that are linked. Some of the ideas, I will not carry forward to be used in the video, as I may feel that an idea, may not work with the main idea.
The images that I have presented above are to show that they have been taken from the internet. I chose to show an image of Sainsburys as it has inspired as a possible idea that I could intially use to film as part of the journey in the video. It is a inspiring idea as it will make the person's dream seem more realistic if they are wondering into a everyday familiar setting. I also chose to use an image of Lewes Town Centre as this is also a familiar setting to the person who is in the dream, also everyday people will be there. Finally I chose to show an image of a man in pajamas as this will give the video an element of being slightly surreal, in order not to confuse the character, as they will be in there pajamas. People in pajamas link to the other two images, as they could possibly feature in these two settings, so as extras, possibly dancers, or even following the main character.
Good. You could improve this by adding images from the internet that illustrate your favoured ideas.