icon as she has featured in the woman's magazine Company
Ellie Goulding is
featured in Q Magazine, being interviewed titled: Ellie Goulding, Starry Eyed, Itchy Feet.
She has also been featured on Clash Music Website
On the NRS website it shows the Target audience of Q Magazine which is a magazine that is Indie and that E
On the NRS website it shows the Target audience of Q Magazine which is a magazine that is Indie and that E
Ellie Goulding has been associated with. From looking at the quantitative data it shows that this music magazine mostly appeals to Males aged between 15-44 years old.
From looking at The Reader Profile of NME, it shows key quantitative data about the target audience of that
magazine. Here as follows:
Based on the music magazine’s target audiences I can tell that she is appealing to a 'indie' fanbase. Looking at NIS, I can tell that the key demographic of Q magazine are mostly men aged 15- 44;
I also know from my previous research at AS that the readership of NME is as follows:
The link of where this information was accessed.
From this information I can conclude that the majority of the fans have a socio-economic classification
of ABC1, which suggests they are upper class fans, that are young adults.
In the media Ellie Goulding's popularity can influence her to have a larger amount of fans, by becoming more well known, by social networking sites such as Facebook, MySpace, Twitter.
So on Facebook, Ellie Goulding has 226,705 people that have liked her page, so these people would be classed as her fans. Then on her Twitter page she has 88,257 followers, suggesting that Ellie Goulding's fans give her a lot of support for her music. On Ellie Goulding's Facebook fan page, we posted a survey on there to ask for the age range and the gender of some of her fans, to give me us an idea, of possibly what her target audience is such as on social networking sites. On MySpace Ellie Goulding has her own personal blog that gives updates of what she has been doing recently in her lifestyle, this is good as this keeps her loyal fans interested and lets them know where to find her.
This is data from YouTube it shows in which countries Ellie goulding's video: Starry Eyed is popular. The information shows that females are more likely to be Ellie Goulding fans, than males. It seems from the data that she is most popular in the UK, Europe, America and Australia, these countries all have in common is that they are rich countries that have access to multi medias in which artists can be featured and their music could be played. Especially if an artist is on a major record label. So overall this information will become useful, as when we plan to create the music video, we will have have to make the music video appeal to the people from these countries. For example we could keep the same theme, to keep her fans interested, as she might be associated with trees.
Here is a wall post that our group posted on Ellie Goulding's wall, trying to ask her fans what they reckon is the target audience of her fans targeted at. The only response we received was from a person, sarcastically wishing us luck with receiving responses. Also I researched Ellie Goulding's facebook page, throughly and found some photos of her with some of her fans, to give an idea of her target audience, the image above presents this. It her target audience features teenage boys and girls, in this shot it is a mid shot of mostly males, this may not always be the case.
For some of my own personal research I went to see Ellie Goulding perform live at The Brighton Dome in Brighton, it was very interesting to what her general fan base consisted of. I saw people that were mainly aged
between 16 and 24, this featured of mainly females. The males tended to be going along with a girlfriend to support them, or a couple of groups of young adult males, that looked like they just wanted to ogle Ellie Goulding, and didn't seem very interested in paying attention to her music and performance. I managed to also take photographs from the venue as proof that I have seen live.
Ellie Goulding's target audience consists of the upper class group ABC1 and consists of males and females. There seems to be a more females to males, in terms of popularity from the different sexes, this is evidence from going to a live concert. However looking at statistics from NRS and YouTube it seems there is more males to females, therefore, Ellie Goulding is popular with males and females fairly equal. Young adults consist of being between the ages of 16 and 24.
You should conclude this well researched post with a clear summary outlining exactly who you will be targeting with your video. As your first attempt at research has been unsuccessful you should try other methods eg passing round a questionnaire at college, interviewing fans and posting the videos in this blog etc.